Text to Slug
Slug Generator is a free online developer tool
What is a URL slug?
A URL slug is the part situated at the finish of a URL that alludes to a specific page or post on a site. A URL slug likewise depicts what's going on with the page or post in a couple of words; for example the title of a blog entry. It's in a SEO-accommodating configuration as each word in a URL slug is parted by a scramble - , so it's meaningful by the two people and URL crawlers.
A URL slug doesn't be guaranteed to must be just in English. It tends to be written in any dialects. Subsequently, you can utilize it to advance your site for SEO to rank better in web search tools.
For instance, the URL slug for this page is slug-generator as you can find in the full URL beneath.
How significant are URL slugs for SEO?
A URL slug tremendously depicts the substance of a page with a few watchwords so the client knows what the page they're visiting is about. It's a significant piece of SEO improvement for positioning in SERPs also.
Consider the two URLs beneath. The first is a customary URL with a question string indicating the post ID and the subsequent one is a legitimate slugified URL with text depicting the title of a post.
As may be obvious, the last option is to a greater extent an easy to understand URL. You can promptly determine what the page you're visiting is about from perusing the URL slug dissimilar to the previous which has just an inquiry string that makes sense of nothing. Besides, a self-portrayed URL slug is one of the elements that assist your site with positioning higher in web search tools since web crawlers likewise read URL slugs like people do.
In this manner, you ought to add a few catchphrases to URL slugs to support up the SEO execution of your site and acquire benefit over your rivals who are not utilizing URL slugs. Nonetheless, guarantee to keep URL slugs short and engaging so they should be visible in SERPs obviously particularly on a cell phone.
The most effective method to create a URL slug in JavaScript
You can without much of a stretch slugify words or text in JavaScript utilizing the slug library from npm. An exceptionally convenient JavaScript library creates a URL slug from a string.
Above all else, import the slug library into your content, and afterward you can slugify any words or text with it. The interaction is extremely direct and straightforward. The returned worth will be a URL-safe slugified string as found in the accompanying which you can use as the URL slug of a blog entry.